

Global Legal Action Network (GLAN)

Gearóid Ó Cuinn, Chief Executive, Global Legal Action Network

"Teamworks were true professionals. We reached out to them when our human rights law organisation was seeking to conduct a thorough strategic review of our growing organisation. They took the time to meet and interview our key members and patiently developed a thorough understanding of who we are and what we are about. This attention to detail continued throughout the entire process. Ahead of our away-days they were engaged, energetic and prepared. This meant that our time spent together discussing where we wanted to take our organisation went extremely smoothly. All materials were circulated in advance and left us with no doubt that we were dealing with a very capable and conscientious team.

During our away-days Ian and Rosie were dynamic and humorous – something appreciated by our members who were taking time out of their weekend. Time was taken to outline the entire process and guide our members through the various exercises. No-one was left behind and every single attendee was thoroughly engaged. This was no mean feat – much of our membership works remotely and for some this was their first time discussing crucial aspects of our organisation in person! Thanks to Teamworks’ preparation and foresight we managed to cover a huge range of issues in a very short space of time. Add to this that many of our membership are lawyers and academics who have no fear of asserting their opinions. Yet everything was kept to time and on track – something that helped keep our diverse membership engaged.

At the end of this process we had our strategic plan. Teamworks also assured us of further support in implementing this plan. They were generous and professional until the end. In sum, we can’t say enough about Ian and Rosie. We wish them well in their future endeavours and hope to keep in touch." 

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